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Friday 16 April 2021

Use This Tricks While Uploading Photos on Facebook, See More Like

You may already know that you can add a location to any photo you upload to Facebook. Just click the Add Location icon beneath the picture thumbnail and enter the name of the location into the Where Was This? box; it’s that simple. You can add the location when you first upload the picture, or at any subsequent time by editing the photo.

When you add a location to a photo, it appears on the map that’s displayed when someone selects Places on your Timeline page. The map has pins for each place you’ve either checked into or taken a picture at. Click a pin to see a panel for updates and photos; click the left and right arrow to cycle through all photos at that location.

If you want to add more photos to your map, simply display the map page then click the Add Places button. This displays a reel of your untagged photos. Click a photo and then enter the location where it was taken. It will then automatically be added to your map.

Another good reason to organize your Facebook photos into albums is that you can set different privacy levels for each album. That lets you select who can see which photos -- and effectively hide certain types of photos from certain people.

Think of it this way. You may have a ton of photos of your kids or grandkids that your family wants to see but are of little interest to your co-workers or neighbors. You may have photos of your local activities that your neighbors want to see but distant family isn’t interested in. And you may have work-related photos of interest to your colleagues that your family and neighbors would find boring.

The solution is to first create relevant photo albums, and then set the appropriate privacy levels for each album. You do this by clicking the Privacy button on the photo album page and making a selection from the drop-down list.

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