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Sunday 3 January 2021


2021 full year calendar in one page.
Save this page. It will take work all year round.

Nobody can offer you happiness, nor are you able to buy money by getting to a store within the market. If you were proud of the cash , then all the rich of the planet would buy.
Praise comes from the way of living life.  Even during a hut, a person are often filled with joy and within the cells too, a sad, restless, troubled man are going to be found.
Remembering the planet connects with renunciation and disintegrates with selfishness. If you walk on the trail of renunciation, everyone's affection are going to be found without asking and life will continue becoming a garden.

Important link...


Smile may be a diamond you'll wear without buying and ...
As long as you've got this diamond ... you do not need anything to seem beautiful!
Fear of future always haunts only those that aren't satisfied even in present.
All the competitions of our life only reflect our dissatisfaction with this life. The better off an individual is, the lower his competition are going to be . Often people make this sad by making the longer term happy.
But then they also forget this eternal law of life that future never comes, whenever they are available , they're going to come as present. Remember Jiya always goes to the present. So sleep in this sense in order that the fear of the longer term are often erased.
2021 full year calendar in one page.
Save this page. It will take work all year round.

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